Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Clay Tiles - 3D Art - 10/16-10/25

Clay Tiles

Lesson Objective: SWBAT manipulate clay to form a square tile and how to properly add clay to form a relief project. Students will understand the words clay, relief, score and slip, and etching.

Essential Skill to be Mastered: Use hands and tools to manipulate clay to form tiles in a relief fashion.

I Can Statement: I can manipulate clay using my hands and tools to form a relief tile.

Teaching Strategies: Days 1and 2 - To begin this lesson I questioned the students to assess their knowledge of vocabulary involved in this project. I then showed them samples of the different stages of the tile project, for example, the bone dry stage right before it is fired, the fired stage, and the finished stage after it has been painted. I then showed students where all supplies are and and how to set their areas up before they begin their work. I then modeled how to roll and cut the clay. I introduced the term slip and score to show students the proper way to attach clay pieces to ensure the do not fall off during firing. Students are required to draw their tiles on paper before starting with the clay. Once they are done with their drawing I cut a portion of clay for each of them and allow them to begin. I also show how to properly clean a table, what to do with scrap clay and how to cover tiles so they do not dry out too early. Days 2-3 - I use guided practice to make sure students are using the proper connecting and smoothing techniques. Day 4-7 - There are no classes so the tiles are fired and cooled. Days 8-9 - Students finish their tiles by painting them. I watch to make sure they are using good craftsmanship while painting. When finished students will write a reflection of their work.

Score and slip

9x12 drawing paper
Clay knife
Rolling pin
Square template
Paper towels

1. Use the square template and draw 3 squares on drawing paper. 
2. Draw one sketch in each square of what the tiles will or might look like. Shade the areas that will be sticking up from the tile. Pick two of the designs to use on tiles.
3. One tile will be a relief tile (cut out shapes to put on tile), and one has to be part relief and part etching (cutting designs into the tile).
4. Use rolling pin to roll slab of clay out evenly to about 1/2 inch. 
5. Lay the square template on top of clay and cut out a square. Set aside extra clay.
6. Use the extra clay to form shapes that will match a design done on paper.
7. When connecting shapes to the tile scratch lines (scoring) on both the shape and the area that it will be stuck on the tile. Apply slip (mushy clay) to both areas that were scored.
8. Place the shape onto the scored and slipped area of the tile that you want it.
9. Continue this process until all shapes are on the tile.
10. Rub tile with water occasionally to prevent drying and to smooth out any bumps or scratches.
11. Smooth any rough edges.
12. Carve name or initials into back of tile.

Modifications: Give one-on-one help with scoring and slipping. Extend time to work on project. 

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