Thursday, November 1, 2012

Painted Shapes - 10/30-11/06

Painted Shapes

Lesson Objective: SWBAT to understand geometric and organic shapes, and use that understanding to create an abstract piece of original artwork.

Essential Skill to be Mastered: To create an abstract piece of art using painted cut out shapes that shows the illusion of a light source.

I Can Statement:  I can use painted cutout geometric and organic shapes that show the illusion of a light source to create an abstract work of art.

Teaching Strategy: Day 1 - Begin by questioning the students to make sure they remember from previous lessons the difference between geometric and organic shapes. Have them identify different geometric and organic shapes in the classroom. Show a circle template and draw a circle on the board without using the template and ask why the drawn circle is not actually a geometric shape. Explain, if students do not know that the circles on the template are perfect circles whereas when someone draws one it is usually not perfect. Have students try to draw a perfect circle on paper without the aid of measuring devices or templates to provide an understanding about perfect geometric circles. Then show an example of the finished project they are to create. Have them look at the other geometric shapes and ask what they notice about it (that all the edges are straight and each shape was measured before cutting out. Refer back to previous projects they did on value. Question them about how value can create on a 2 dimensional surface the illusion of 3 dimensional forms and the direction a light is shining. Have someone hand out poster board to start drawing their backgrounds to cut out. Day 2 - Model how to create darker or more intense shades of color to give the illusion of depth  Day 3-5 - Use guided practice to ensure students are using rulers or templates to create more authentic geometric shapes. When students are finished with project have them write a reflective essay on another students work. Have them pick students another students work to write about but only allowing one student to write about any one work. Give them guidelines on what they are to look for and write about in each others work. Give students a critique guide handout to use when writing their own critique.

Vocabulary Terms:
Organic Shapes
Geometric Shapes
Light Source
Color Intensity

14x22 Poster board
Tempera paint
Circle template
Paper towels

1. Draw a random organic shape big enough to fill the poster board or at least close, to use as the background.
2. Cut out background.
3. Paint background two different colors using any pattern or design of choice.
4. Using a ruler to make straight edges or a circle temple to make circles, draw at least 8 geometric shapes.
5. Cut out shapes.
6. Paint shapes colors of choice but not the same as the background and indicate with paint the impression of a light source on the shapes.
7. When gluing shapes to background try to arrange so the eye has somewhat of a line to follow.
8. Have students draw names to write a critique about another student's project.

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