Wednesday, January 2, 2013

01/02/13-01/11/13 - Rotation Design

Rotation Design

Lesson Objective: SWBAT use media tools to measure and create an original piece of artwork using contrasting colors.

Essential Skill to be Mastered: To be able to accurately measure 24 2" boxes and fill will two different repeated designs by rotating the paper before each box is filled.

I Can Statement: I can accurately measure 24 2" boxes and fill with a rotating design using contrasting colors.

Teaching Strategy: Day 1 - I will begin the lesson by asking students things that they have ever measured and how they measure them. I will also discuss with them contrasting colors and how well they go together (light and dark colors). After showing them examples of student work I will model how to correctly measure the squares and draw them and how to rotate the paper when they are making their designs. They will first need to draw two different designs that will be used to fill all of the 24 boxes. Days 2 - I will use guided instruction throughout the project and independent instruction if needed. Directions will be written on the front board.

8x12 drawing paper
Colored pencils

1. Measure and draw 24 two inch squares paper.
2. On other side of paper draw two 2 inch boxes and fill with two different designs making sure to use contrasting colors.
3. Draw the first design in the top left corner of paper.
4. Draw the next design in a box directly next to the first design using the second design that was drawn on the back of the paper.
5. Rotate the paper one turn and then draw the previous design in another box.
6. Continue this process until all the boxes are filled.

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